Tired of Sorting Through Unfit Job Applicants?
Secure 10+ Relevant Candidates in a Single Day! (Web3/Tech/Non-tech)
Finding the right candidates in 2023 is a tough challenge for sure
One of the major problems in recruiting is the lack of candidates with relevant experience and skills. Overall, 83% of candidates in the hiring funnel are not a good fit because they lack the right skills.
Finding the right candidate can be quite expensive. On average, a company spends $3000-$4000 to find an employee. These expenses can be reduced several times over by getting qualified responses right away.
It takes a long time from job posting to hiring a candidate due to a large number of irrelevant applications. This increases the burden on the remaining employees and can reduce the productivity of the company.
Lack of Qualified Candidates
High hiring costs
Long hiring time
You fill out an application with your vacancy and describe the ideal candidate.
Step 1
We create a list of candidates that you are sure will be a good fit for you and send them to you. All candidates we send you will be 100% interested in your vacancy. We do not send you irrelevant candidates.
Finding candidates
Step 2
If you like our options, all you have to do is pay for access to their contacts (or we can schedule your own calls). If not - you pay nothing :) Try it, it's free!
Step 3
Get relevant candidates in just 1-2 days. You pay only after the candidates are selected.
Interested? Say Hi to us
Send us your request and we will find the right candidates for you. Pay only if you like our candidates and want to get their contacts. Before that, everything is free :)