Course content
6 experts | 5 modules | 20 lessons
Web3: The Future of the Internet
  1. Getting Started with Web3: Exploring the Decentralized Internet
  2. Web3 Hiring Practices: How They Differ from Traditional Methods
  3. Positions in Web3 Organizations
Building Effective Talent Pipelines: Strategies and Techniques
  1. Hiring Strategies: Three Main Approaches
  2. Finding Your Unicorn: Defining the Ideal Candidate
  3. Writing Job Descriptions: Best Practices and Tips
Hiring for the Future: Sourcing Talent in the Decentralized Web
  1. Specifics of sourcing in web3
  2. Navigating Talent Transition through LinkedIn
  3. Talent Communication Shortcuts on Twitter
  4. Accessing Talent Communities on Discord
  5. Engaging Candidates Effectively on Reddit
  6. Maximizing Reach and Results Through Web3 Job Boards
  7. Web3 Conferences and Recruiting Events
  8. What else can be used - Tips and Tricks from the Pros
  9. Life Hacks for Efficient Sourcing
The Efficient Interview Cycle - From Candidate to Employee
  1. Web3 Skillset: Identifying the Essential Competencies for Success
  2. Identifying Gaps and Pseudo "Professionals"
  3. Conducting Effective Interviews: Tips and Techniques
Drafting Job Offers that Stand Out: Techniques for Attracting Top Talent in Web3
  1. Best Practices for Making a Strong Offer
  2. The Dos and Don'ts of Presenting a Job Offer